Resource Materials

The Wordless Book (Modified)
Sharing the Gospel message to someone is not difficult. Download and save a copy of The Wordless Book to your mobile device as a useful visual aid when sharing the Gospel message to someone. This version of "The Wordless Book" has been modified to include key Scripture passages to help us remember what each of the colour pages represent in the presentation of the Gospel message.

Lectionary 2023
The Lectionary is a table of readings that provides the liturgical date and corresponding Scripture references for the texts for Daily Services, Sundays and Feasts. It is also a useful resource that can provide you with a structured Bible reading plan that corresponds to the liturgical seasons of the Church calendar.

Diocesan Certificate of Biblical Studies (DCBS) 2023-2024
The Diocesan Certificate of Biblical Studies (DCBS) programme for 2023-2024 has now been released. If you are interested in this systematic study of the 66 books of the Bible, you may register under the St. Peter's Hall website: https://sph.org.sg/school-of-biblical-studies